UPDATE 2:47 PM - Phone are back up at Williams. We have been made aware that phones are currently down at Williams Elementary School. We are aware of the issue and working with the phone company to resolve this as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. If parents need assistance now they can call 217-238-8867.
about 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Members of Mrs. Ramsey's 4/5th grade class made positive signs with their favorite saying for the walls at Williams Elementary School. Positive language supports the concepts of a positive (growth) mindset and a belief that anything is possible if you work hard enough and have a clear idea of what to do.
about 1 year ago, MCUSD2
positive sayings at Williams
positive sayings at Williams
positive sayings at Williams
Mrs. Sweeney’s 1st-grade class at Williams recently celebrated Read Across America week by reading Dr. Seuss books outside. Students read independently, with partners, to teachers, and even Mr. Schaffer.
about 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Williams Read Across America
Williams Read Across America
Williams Read Across America
Williams Read Across America
Williams Read Across America
Williams Read Across America
Riddle and Williams Elementary schools recently took some students to Barnes and Noble to help select books for their libraries. Students qualified for the trip by reading 18 or more of the 20 nominated Bluestem titles for the year by mid-February. During the day they had a budget and located books they thought kindergarten through fifth-grade readers would enjoy. It was a great day and they can't wait to start reading all the new purchases! It was a day full of books, ice cream, and lots of laughs! This year 10 students from Williams and 8 students from Ridde were able to attend.
about 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Barns & Noble Field Trip
Diapers to Diplomas! MHS Senior Jason Skocy holds one of LIFT's littlest leaders, illustrating just how lucky we are to serve families and kiddos as they grow into the incredible young adults they are meant to be!
about 1 year ago, MCUSD2
diapers to diplomas at mcusd2
diapers to diplomas at mcusd2
Williams Elementary School collected and donated 490 pounds of canned food in December! Each grade level competed to see who could collect the most. Shout out to the 1st graders for winning! Pictured is the Lighthouse Team who gathered all the food together for the donation pickup.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Williams Food Drive
This past week, Williams Elementary PE classes participated in their own "Super Bowl Challenge". The "Super Bowl Challenge" is a kicking game for the younger students and a throwing/catching game for the older students. There are 6 hoops at closer proximity (touchdown) and two that are farther away (field goal & two-point conversion). Depending on age, they are either kicking and landing their ball in the hula hoop or throwing it to a classmate who is standing in the hula hoop. If successful, they get to keep that hoop. Their goal is to score a touchdown by collecting the first six hoops. Then, they make the decision to either go for the field goal or a two-point conversion. The class that has the highest number of points earned, wins that round. Each round is slightly different to add variety and excitement to the game. The score was all tied up on Thursday at halftime but on Friday the Eagles Team ended up winning 68-55 over the Chiefs. Students are looking forward to seeing if their winning team will be the same winner tonight during the real Super Bowl!
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
WES PE Super Bowl Challenge
Join the team! Mattoon CUSD #2 is now hiring Supervisors. + 5.5 hours a day + Supervision of students during recess & lunchtime + Assist with Arrival & Dismissal + Build personal relationships with students + staff + Great first step into the education field This position is a great opportunity for someone who is looking for some flexibility within their day. Get additional details with the link below: https://bit.ly/mcusd2-apply
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
now hiring supervisors
Students at Williams Elementary are shown donating their handmade coasters for fire fighters and cops as part of the Leadership Learning Day. Some of the other options for the service day included creating blankets to donate to the homeless shelter or making cards and decorations for nursing homes.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Coasters for fire fighters and cops
coasters for firefighters and cops
The Kindness Club at Williams Elementary recently set up and ran a Hot Chocolate Bar for teachers throughout the school. The kids even made classroom deliveries! Big shout out to all the kids for their sweetness, hard work, and leadership.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
WES Hot Cocoa
Mrs. Grabiec's 3rd Grade class at Williams Elementary recently enjoyed a pizza party! Her class set a goal at the beginning of the year to earn 20 compliments for high level behavior during specials, at lunch, recess, and more. They met their goal and had such a slice day! 😂🍕
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Williams WIG party
A reminder that Mattoon CUSD #2 will be closed tomorrow in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Martin Luther King Jr Day
Here are a few photos from Arland D. Williams Jr. Day at Williams Elementary today. Students are shown playing Arland's piano as they honored his heroism today.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Arland D. Williams Jr Day
Arland D. Williams Jr Day
Arland D. Williams Jr Day
Arland D. Williams Jr Day
Today we want to welcome our students back to school! Wishing you a wonderful day and an amazing semester.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Welcome back for the 2nd semester
Today we welcome teachers back and tomorrow students return from break to begin a new semester!
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
teachers institute
Happy New Year! Drop your 2023 resolutions & Wildly Important Goals in the comments!
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Happy New Year Graphic
Photos from the 5th Grade Winter Band Concert held on Tuesday, December 20. This concert brought together students from Riddle and Williams Elementary schools. What a wonderful night of music!
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
RES & WES Band Concert
RES & WES Band Concert
RES  & WES Band Concert
RES & WES Band Concert
Happy Holidays!
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Happy Holidays from MCUSD2
As we begin Winter Break, we should also be preparing for the Winter Weather Storm coming this week. The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning in effect from Thursday (12/22) through Saturday. This warning includes below-freezing temperatures, dangerous winds, and snow. While our students will be away on break, we are still thinking about their safety. Here are some safety tips for playing in the snow over break AFTER the storm has passed. We wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday season. We look forward to seeing the kids back in 2023.
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
winter weather safety tips
The 5th Grade Winter Band Concert will be at 6 p.m. tomorrow (12/20) at Riddle Elementary School. Wear your festive holiday gear along with our musicians to celebrate a successful semester of music making!
over 1 year ago, MCUSD2
Winter Band Concert